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Intervention Overview (Cognition & Learning KS2)

Intervention Overview (Cognition & Learning KS2)


1stClass@Number comes ready-made with detailed session guidance and extensive resources. A specially trained teaching assistant delivers up to 30 half-hour sessions to a group of up to four children, for 10 -15 weeks. The children continue to take part in their normal class mathematics lessons.

Approximately £990

Accelerated reader

With Accelerated Reader, a student reads a book, takes an online quiz, and gets immediate feedback. Students respond to regular feedback and are motivated to make progress with their reading skills.

£450 per year

Bearing Away/ Bear Necessities

Speaking and listening skills improve rapidly—One-to-one teaching is essential for children with learning difficulties. With Bear Necessities, all language skills develop quickly with just ten minutes per day.

Starting from £24

Clicker 8

Clicker 8 is a literacy support tool and word processor designed to make reading and writing more appealing to pupils.


From £385 for one license


Cogmed is an evidence-based training program for improving attention. It consists of 5 weeks of digital training using a computer/ laptop.

Varies by location and provider

Concrete to pictorial to abstract

The Concrete, Pictorial, Abstract approach (CPA) is a highly effective approach to teaching that develops a deep and sustainable understanding of maths in pupils. Often referred to as the concrete, representational, abstract framework, CPA was developed by American psychologist Jerome Bruner. It is an essential technique within the Singapore method of teaching maths for mastery.

£11.49 for textbook

£9.99 for workbook

Dynamo Maths

Dynamo Maths aims to support pupils at risk of developmental dyscalculia and pupils performing significantly below their peers in maths. Dynamo Maths has two seamlessly linked core components: Dynamo Assessment, a standardised dyscalculia screener and Dynamo intervention.


Dyslexia gold

Dyslexia Gold goes Beyond Phonics to address the real reason children struggle with reading. They address vision problems like convergence insufficiency and poor tracking as well as auditory problems, like the phonological deficit to build all the skills needed to read.

£24 per month


Dyslexikit is a phonics based system of literacy materials for teachers and parents who want to transform the progress of children who do not acquire the skills of reading, reading comprehension, spelling and handwriting in the same way, or at the same rate as other children.

From £14.99

Early language builders

Elkan’s early language builders help to develop attention and listening, school age children to understand spoken language and develop verbal reasoning skills, develop their expressive language, phonological processing activities, developing vocabulary, story writing and use of mind maps, their social skills and unclear speech.

From £24

Evidence 4 impact

Evidence 4 Impact is an independent service that provides teachers and school leaders with accessible information on which educational interventions have been shown to be effective. It supports educators in using evidence-based practice to improve outcomes for children.



FirstClass@Number trained teaching assistant delivers up to 30 half-hour sessions to a group of up to 4 children, alongside normal class Maths lessons.



The IDL Literacy Intervention is a speaking-computer based multi-sensory system which supports learners with dyslexia and other learning difficulties to increase their reading and spelling ages. The programme was specifically designed for those with dyslexia and is used as an intervention but can also be used effectively as a school wide literacy solution.

Annual school license- £499

Immersive reader

Microsoft's Immersive Reader is a free tool, built into Word, OneNote, Outlook, Office Lens, Microsoft Teams, Reading Progress, Forms, Flipgrid, Minecraft Education Edition and the Edge browser, that implements proven techniques to improve reading and writing for people regardless of their age or ability.

Free with Microsoft office

Kagan groups

Kagen Groups is a tool that can be used in the classroom to engage all learners in the classroom. It is a way children and young people can share and discuss ideas to improve their learning outcomes.


Lucid memory booster

Lucid Memory Booster Memory Booster will assist children who would like to improve their memory as well as those with dyslexia. This is targeted at children who struggle to remember information or instructions or struggles to remember specific facts for tests and exams.

From £19

Mathematical reasoning programme

The Mathematical Reasoning programme aims to improve mathematical attainment by developing pupils’ understanding of the logical principles underlying mathematics. The Literacy and Morphemes programme aims to improve pupils’ spelling and reading comprehension. Both programmes are delivered to year 2 pupils during normal lesson time.



Mathletics provides support and challenges to make sure each student achieves their best. In less than an hour per week, children aged 5–16 quickly become motivated, confident and successful learners.

Free trial and then £15


Nessy is an easy way to rapidly improve student literacy. The award-winning Nessy products are designed to help educators meet the needs of all students. Accessed through the Internet, the resources are suitable for both remote and in-person learning. Nessy is a highly effective program for whole class teaching based upon the Science of Reading.

From £66 per year

Numbers count

Numbers Count is an intensive intervention for learners in Years 1 to 8 who have the greatest difficulties with mathematics. It is delivered by a specially trained teacher who also supports other staff in school.

Approximately £2000


Based on a concrete-pictorial-abstract approach, Numicon uses structured imagery and apparatus to help children explore and understand mathematical concepts.

Starting from £40

Optima Reading

Optima Reading is a programme that has been developed to impact raising students’ attainments.  Optima Reading is available as an online programme and can be used with the whole class, groups or individual pupils.

Varies depending on class size

Plus 1

Plus 1 is a coaching manual which allows anyone to deliver individual support.  The book teaches all the building blocks of numbers and begins to develop skills with mental calculations.


Precision Teaching

Precision Teaching is a method to plan a teaching programme that fulfils the needs of a young person or an individual child who is facing difficulty with maintaining or acquiring certain areas of the curriculum. It is one of the most useful teaching strategies for ensuring high levels of accuracy and fluency.


Project X code

Project X CODE is a reading intervention programme with an integrated online subscription, for children in Years 2–4 (P3–5) who are a year or more behind in their word reading. CODE combines phonics and comprehension development in an exciting and motivational character adventure series.

Starting from £39.75

Rapid Reading

Rapid Reading is a reading intervention programme combining books and speech recognition software for Key Stage 2 pupils with low literacy levels. It aims to move children aged between 7 and 11 years from a reading age of 5.6 years to 8+ years.

£278 upwards, with a free trial

Raven’s assessment

Raven's Educational Progressive Matrices and Vocabulary Scales assesses general cognitive abilities in children; focusing on non-verbal ability, an important feature for our ethnically diverse population, and the Vocabulary Scales provide scores in the verbal domain.

Kits start from £388.61

Read Write Inc. Fresh Start

Read, Write Inc. Fresh Start is a phonics intervention for children and young people struggling to read. It is targeted at Primary aged pupils to help prepare them for Secondary school.

From £15

Reading recovery

Reading Recovery is a 12-20 week evidence-based intervention that helps struggling readers catch up to their peers. Led by specially trained teachers who received extensive professional development, Reading Recovery is designed for one-on-one lessons tailored to meet the student’s individual needs and interests.

From £2940 

Reading wise

Using a broad range of innovative techniques, they provide schools with a literacy intervention programme. Using algorithms, online sessions adapt to each learner’s ability, delivering appropriate content to optimise learning and progression through the programme.

Starting from £141

Reciprocal teaching

Reciprocal teaching refers to an instructional activity in which students become the teacher in small group reading sessions. Teachers model, then help students learn to guide group discussions using four strategies: summarizing, question generating, clarifying, and predicting. Once students have learned the strategies, they take turns assuming the role of teacher in leading a dialogue about what has been read.


Sandwell early numeracy test

Administered on a one-to-one basis, this assessment has been designed to identify specific number skills that require targeted teaching and to monitor the impact of teaching interventions. It comprises SENT–R for pupils aged 4–8 years, and SENT KS2–KS3 for pupils aged 8–14 years.


Seven-step model

Seven-step model The model offers a way to hone evidence-informed revision strategies. The 7 steps cover: activating prior knowledge, explicit strategy instruction, modelling of learned strategy, memorisation of strategy, guided practice, independent practice and structured reflection. 


Singapore counters

Broaden your children's depth of place value knowledge. Secure their learning at 3 digits, then expand to include up to millions and down to three decimal points. Counters range in value from 0.001 through to 1000000.


Sounds write

Sounds-Write is a structured synthetic phonics programme based on the science of reading. This multisensory, code-oriented, comprehensive approach to literacy has been designed by teachers—and for teachers.

Books start from £3.50

Spelling shed

Spelling Shed's approach to spelling involves the relationship between sounds and written symbols as well as using morphology to help spell through meaning.

The carefully selected word lists and engaging activities provide opportunities to incorporate phonics and meaning to strengthen spelling skills and build vocabulary acquisition.

£1.50 per pupil per year

Talk for writing

Talk for Writing is an approach enables children to read and write independently for a variety of audiences and purposes within different subjects. A key feature is that children internalise the language structures needed to write through ‘talking the text’, as well as close reading.

Free resources, training costings start from £850

Teaching and learning toolkit

Teaching and Learning Toolkit is an accessible summary of a wide range of approaches to improving teaching and learning.


The engagement profile and scale

The Engagement Profile and Scale is a classroom tool developed through The Specialist Schools and Academies Trust research into effective teaching and learning for children with complex learning difficulties and disabilities. It allows educators to focus on the child’s engagement as a learner and create personalised learning pathways.


Toe by Toe

Toe by Toe is a structured phonics-based reading manual to help anyone who finds reading difficult. It requires 20 minutes of coaching a day and is designed to see immediate improvements in a child's reading confidence. It can be used by parents or by teachers.

£30 for the manual

Visual calculations policy

A Visual Policy is a set of posters that provide teaching staff and children with clear visualisations of the mathematics found within a particular mathematical domain.  Each policy comes as a PDF document and highlights different themes and clearly presents the core concepts and progression found within each theme.

Basic version- £160

Expanded visual calculations- £295

Other visual policies- £295

Working Memory Plus

Working Memory Plus Arithmetic (WM+) – trained TAs work 1:1 with a Year 3 child for 30 minutes followed by 30 minutes of independent related online games. 10 sessions –5 cover working memory, 5 cover arithmetic.


Working Memory Rating Scale

Working Memory Rating Scale (WMRS) helps identify children with poor working memory skills

From £68.73



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