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Graduated Approach

Graduated Approach

The graduated approach encourages teachers to revisit, refine and revise decisions and actions that have been made, in order to grow their understanding of their pupil’s needs and the provision in place to support them.

SEND Code of Practice

The SEND Code of Practice (p. 100) encourages us to provide the right support at the right time. It is graduated, meaning some children and young people they will require small adjustments within the classroom to be successful, whereas others will require a highly personalised timetable of support and intervention in order to make progress and be included.

The Code of Practice states that:

  • When a child/ young person is identified as having SEND, the setting should take action to remove barriers to learning and put effective special educational provision in place.

  • Once a child/ young person is identified as having SEND their family must be informed. The setting must work with parents/carers, listening to their views and involving them in any decision-making and planning.

  • The provision in place must be reviewed termly and involve the children and young people and their families.

SEND support should be embedded within assess-plan-do-review cycles, through which earlier decisions and actions are revisited, refined and revised with a growing understanding of the children and young people's needs, alongside what support the children and young people require to make good progress and secure good outcomes (SEND Code of Practice, p. 100, 6.44).

The assess-plan-do-review cycle is the foundation of the graduated approach and the key to meeting the needs of all children and young people identified as having any form of SEND.

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