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Inclusive Classroom Strategies - Getting More Help (Individualised Interventions) KS3

Inclusive Classroom Strategies - Getting More Help (Individualised Interventions) KS3

Use appropriate assessments to identify difficulties early, establish a greater understanding of the young person’s needs and inform appropriate referral to other services. For assessments see the assessment guidance.


Over rehearsal of information to enable young person to progress through the hierarchy of learning (see General section) e.g. Precision Teaching (PT) intervention. PT intervention is suitable for those who struggle with working memory difficulties and retaining information and is used as an intensive 1:1 intervention. Use of recordable devices and apps.


Higher levels of mediation during tasks (see Getting Help).


Obtain and record young person’s views through young person voice activities.


Obtain and record parental information and views through questionnaires, parents’ evenings, assemblies and social media forums.


Create Assess-Plan-Do-Review cycles and adapt at least termly, with progress against targets routinely reviewed by the SENDCo, relevant staff, young person and parents/carers.


Ensure that any Teaching Assistants (TAs) involved with the young person understand the purpose of the APDR or group plan and support the young person to achieve their targets.


Use of plan-do-review-learn processes to monitor progress and plan individual support.


School staff, SENDCo, parents/carers and young person to continue to liaise on a regular basis – a minimum of three meetings with parents within a 12-month period.


Refer to external agencies and Support teams such as Educational Psychology Service, Inclusion Services, Occupational Therapy,

Speech and Language Therapy (SALT) service for further support around learning and factors which may impact young person’s progress.  


Where a young person has an EHCP:

  • Refer to described outcomes and provision and implement.

  • Continue to use the Assess-Plan-Do-Review process against the specified outcomes and provision, using previous SEN Support Plan as ‘EHC Implementation Plan’. Adjust or narrow down targets if not achieved.

  • Regularly update with strategies as they are tried.

  • Complete Annual Review of EHC Plan.

  • Continue to request and act upon advice from external agencies, as necessary.

  • Carry out and review assessments, as advised by external agencies.

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