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Independent Living - Getting Advice (KS 3&4)

Independent Living - Getting Advice (KS 3&4)

Whole-setting approaches focused on encouraging and supporting independence.


Differentiated opportunities that enable young people to participate in community activities.


Young people may seek support from online support services such as The Mix. It provides advice on a range of issues including mental health, housing, money, and work. Young people can talk to The Mix for free on the phone, by email or by webchat.


Consideration is given to the young people's outcomes and aspirations. Explore with young people their aspirations, what they want to be able to do when they leave school and the support that they need to achieve this.


Opportunities within the curriculum for young people to think about where they might live when they are older.


Have accessible information about future housing options.


Opportunities to develop independence skills within extra-curricular activities such as trips and club trips.

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