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Listen to and acknowledge concerns

Listen to and acknowledge concerns

  • Parents/carers explained that one of the most powerful things staff can do is to acknowledge and appreciate their experiences at home.

  • As the 'experts' on their child, parents/carers need to feel listened to about any concerns they may report; things may be very different between home and school or college. Parents/carers tell us that they feel most supported by SENCOs and staff when they feel properly heard, do not have their concerns dismissed, and planning is collaborative.

  • Parents/carers tell us that 'words have power' and it is important to be mindful of the language used when talking about children and young people's strengths and difficulties. You can download the Words have Power document, developed with Bury parents/carers, by clicking on the 'related files' section . This could be used in a team meeting/ CPD session to explore how as a staff team you work and communicate with parents/carers in your school or college community.

  • SENCOs tell us that it is important to understand and be sensitive to the many different types of families at their school/college, and to be mindful of the language used to reflect this.

Related Files

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