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Literacy - Getting Advice (Adjustments) KS4

Literacy - Getting Advice (Adjustments) KS4

Use of evidence-based approaches to teaching literacy (e.g. Education Endowment Foundation Improving Literacy in Secondary Schools guidance),  The Literacy Trust Boy’s Reading Commission.


Provide opportunities for well-structured talk guided by teachers.

Accountable talk is a useful framework to ensure talk is high quality with an emphasis on how talk can be subject specific.


Teachers can support young people by modelling high quality talk, for example, including key vocabulary and metacognitive reflection.


Collaborative learning and peer tutoring approaches (e.g. Paired Reading, Cued Spelling).


Class literacy programmes which can be differentiated for individuals e.g.:

·         Achieve 3000 (Empower3000 for KS4).


Access to books with low reading age and high interest, e.g. Rising Stars,,



Cross-curricular embedding of basic Literacy skills.




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