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Literacy - Getting Advice (Adjustments) Post 16

Literacy - Getting Advice (Adjustments) Post 16

Collaborative learning and peer tutoring approaches (e.g. Paired Reading, Cued Spelling).


Whole group literacy programmes which can be differentiated for individuals e.g.: Empower3000.


Ensure all text and print is clearly visible, using appropriate fonts and backgrounds.


Allow extra time for processing information, answering questions, and completing tasks.

Present new information in small chunks and keep language accessible.


Introduce material in a multi-sensory way.


Use technology to support learning.


Consider seating arrangements and grouping so that peer support can be implemented and encouraged.


Opportunities for pre-teaching/instruction and over learning including repetition.


Modification of level and pace of curriculum content to account for young people’s needs. 


Alternative forms of recording e.g. PowerPoints, oral presentations, posters, sound buttons, mind maps, matching labels to pictures, sorting, etc.


Support focused on literacy related to examinations/assessments.


Use of modelled frameworks for writing/essays


Use of readability tool on word for handouts. Ensure accessibility of handouts.


Use of highlighters for technical vocabulary.


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