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Literacy - Getting Help (Targeted Interventions) KS4

Literacy - Getting Help (Targeted Interventions) KS4

Targeted assessments e.g. IDL, Lexia (Power Up Literacy),PiXL CODE, SNAP SpLD, Accelerated Reader, Nessy, Connective Learning.


Use of standardised assessments such as PhAB2.


Small-group support for young people struggling with literacy, e.g.

·         Reciprocal Teaching to raise reading comprehension levels.


Use of technology such as Clicker 8 and online software such as Dyslexia Gold and Lexia Power Up Literacy. IDL.


Introduce accessibility tools on Microsoft Word, e.g. Immersive Reader.


Explore alternative methods of recording such as voice to text, using a keyboard.


Use of a reading pen.


Bespoke homework club run by TAs (online homework).


Training NASEN.

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