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Maths - Getting More Help (Individualised Interventions) KS2

Maths - Getting More Help (Individualised Interventions) KS2

Very small group/paired/individual interventions to develop numeracy and underlying skills, e.g.:

  • Working Memory Plus Arithmetic (WM+) – trained TAs work 1:1 with a Year 3 child for 30 minutes followed by 30 minutes of independent related online games. 10 sessions –5 cover working memory, 5 cover arithmetic.

  • Interventions to develop numeracy skills, based on principles of repetition and over-learning, with support to generalise skills (e.g. Precision Teaching, Plus 1).



In the co-production of this document, Sencos suggested interventions and approaches below:


  • More specialised interventions, e.g.

  • Numbers Count  – a specially trained teacher gives individuals or small groups at least 3 x 30-minute lessons for a term. Sessions are planned for individuals based on initial assessments, with a focus on number and calculation;

  • Numicon interventions and catch-up programmes;


  • Precision teaching - number bonds;

  • Steve Chinn for maths difficulties;

  • Subitising tree;

  • Multiplication Bingo;

  • Maths shed;

  • IDL.

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