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Participation, co-production and person-centred planning

Participation, co-production and person-centred planning

Participation is about more than simply taking part or being consulted, it is about being fully included and actively involved in all planning and decision-making, in a way that is accessible and meaningful. Working together in partnership with parents/carers, children and young people benefits everyone and helps to ensure that support meets individual needs and is appropriate for individual circumstances.

Co-production refers to the process through which parents/carers and children and young people share an equal role and responsibility in planning, shaping and reviewing support on an ongoing basis. Co-production can exist at different levels: for example, co-producing a whole school behaviour policy together with parents/carers and children and young people or jointly agreeing on outcomes and recommendations during person-centred planning meetings.

At the heart of meaningful participation and co-production is mutual respect, trust, honesty, transparency and open communication.

SENCOs and senior leadership teams encourage participation and co-production with their wider school community in different ways, such as:


Regularly and authentically gathering the views of children, young people and parents/carers to inform development work and practice across the school/college (e.g. through questionnaires, parent/carer groups, activities or coffee mornings).


Embedding person-centred planning across the school or college setting.


Identifying and supporting children and young people ambassadors, representatives and pupil/student councils.


Running projects or activities to encourage parent/carer and children and young people participation (e.g. charity events or wellbeing events).


Holding drop-ins for parents/carers and children and young people with SEND.

Further information around person-centred planning, and a person-centred planning toolkit can be accessed here.

This also includes feedback received from Bury SENCOs and teachers following their use of these materials.


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