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Peer Integration - Getting Advice (SEMH KS4)

Peer Integration - Getting Advice (SEMH KS4)

Use turn-taking games and co-operative learning activities during subject lessons. Rotating groups, so that young people work with different group members, helps to build a range of social skills, and fosters inclusiveness.


Adopt a planned PSHE curriculum that involves whole class discussion and activities that explore different relationships, e.g. Philosophy for Children.


Create learning opportunities by introducing classroom routines to teach friendly behaviour. For example, model giving compliments and then set up situations where young people can practise giving and receiving them.


Use positive notes or compliment slips when positive social behaviour is observed.


Teach positive social skills through drama and role play, giving young people the opportunity to reflect on how different scenarios may make others feel.


Set up peer mentoring or ‘buddy’ systems during unstructured times.


Offer social time support for example setting up a club around a young person’s area of interest (e.g. gardening or gaming).


Key adults to foster a relationship and encourage understanding e.g. using one-page profiles.


Access to Mental Health First Aid training for staff to support their understanding of fostering positive peer relationships.


Use of PSHE to discuss healthy relationships and friendships.


Use of whole school anti-bullying policies and programmes.


Use of the freely available Developing Emotional Awareness and Listening Programme (Samaritans) training for teachers and whole class session plans.


Positive qualities assembly - Respect, Care, Dignity, Equality etc - Social acceptance.


Understanding and respecting that not all young people want to have a huge friendship group.


Full offer of enrichment opportunities when young people can achieve awards.


Restorative behaviour, language and sessions throughout all practices.


Situational/Scenario based discussions.


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