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Preparing for an Annual Review

Preparing for an Annual Review

Annual Reviews should be held in a person-centred way. This means that the wishes and feelings of the children and young people and family are at the centre of all discussions. A person-centred meeting should feel welcoming and encourage everyone to share their views in a way in which they feel most comfortable. You can find more information about person-centred meetings here.

Typically, an Annual Review is organised and led by a member of staff at school or college (e.g. the SENCo). They will invite other people to the meeting, including other professionals who know your child. You can ask them to invite specific people and you can take someone to the Annual Review to support you if you wish.

SENDIASS has produced an Annual Review Resource Pack, which gives further information about what to expect and how you can contribute your views at an Annual Review. This can be found by clicking here.

Annual Reviews typically involve discussion of the following areas:

  • Welcome and introductions.

  • Child/ young person's views: their achievements, things that are going well and aspirations for the future (this can be shared by the children and young people themselves or those who know them well). As well as their views on anything they would like to improve or feel they need more support with.

  • Parent/carer views: achievements, successes and things that have been going well. Identify things that need to change or have not been going well. Share your aspirations and hopes for the future.

  • Review of progress: reviewing progress about the outcomes written in the EHCP, discussing and agreeing any new outcomes together. This process should check whether:

  1. Educational provision (support) outlined in the EHCP remains appropriate and is supporting the child/ young person to make progress.

  2. Any health or social care needs and the provision remains appropriate to support good progress.

  3. Whether parents/carers would like to request a Personal Budget.

  • For young people in Year 9 onwards, there will be a specific focus at the Annual Review on transition and Preparing for Adulthood. This will involve thinking about the young person's hopes and aspirations in relation to future employment; independent living; health; and friends, relationships and community. You can find more information and lots of helpful resources about Preparing for Adulthood by clicking here. There is also a section on Preparation for Adulthood in the Areas of Need part of the toolkit (Key stages 3 & 4 and Post 16).

  • Other information: Checking the details in the EHCP are correct and up-to-date. Agreeing on any changes that need to be made to the EHCP, and whether everyone feels that an EHCP is still required to meet the children and young people's needs.

  • Summary: Agreeing what will happen next (actions), by when and who is responsible for each action.

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