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Radcliffe Green Space Groups

Radcliffe Green Space Groups

Radcliffe Green Groups

If you would like to chat about any of these groups contact me Kathy Taylor, Volunteer support and development officer - email or call me on 07971379057

Friends of Outwood Country park.

Outwood country park covers over 60 hectares and hosts an array of important habitats, including young broadleaved woodland, grassland, heathland, and ponds. The Friends of Outwood Country Park are hoping to make a positive difference. Primarily we are focussing on eradicating the Himalayan Balsam which is an invasive non-native species (INNS) and killing off our native species at a rapid pace. We are also looking to improve the footpaths to make it more accessible and less of a mud fest!

We are looking for volunteers and any skills you may have we will have a use for – from trades, admin roles, committee members, flexi-volunteers, and even being able to help with a good old cup of tea!

You can find more information on Facebook or by emailing  and check out

Whitefield and Radcliffe Environmental Forum (WREF)

Do you feel concerned about Climate Change? Have you ever wondered if there’s anything you can do to help tackle it?


A group of concerned Whitefield and Radcliffe residents believe that working together we can begin to make effective changes in our hometown and in our own lives.


The Forum was launched in March 2022 with an inaugural tree planting in Philips Park. In partnership with City of Trees and support from Bury Council we embarked on a yearlong campaign to increase biodiversity across Whitefield. We planted over 1600 trees to capture carbon, and worked with schools to plant wildflowers, helping embattled wildlife along the way.


In 2023 / 24 we are continuing to work with other community groups to help Bury Council achieve its challenging targets for carbon neutrality as set out in its Climate Action Plan. To join us, sign up here today, or drop us an e-mail at

Corrie Gardeners community group

We are a community group working with tenants and residents living in Coronation Gardens, Coronation Walk & Coronation Road, Radcliffe.

Our aim is to provide a fully inclusive social and gardening group.

We are fully inclusive and democratic group working with local Councillors, Bury Council Housing Service, Public Services and help to run Trinity Foodbank. 

We look after the communal gardens around Coronation Gardens, and we have 'The Friendly Bench' which can be fully accessed by all. We would love more groups to use it as a meeting point for walks etc 

We also assist with the gardens situated by Chilli Pepper on Church Street West, Radcliffe.

Find us on Facebook


Radcliffe Litter Pickers

If you care about Radcliffe, your local environment, like being active in the fresh air, want to make a difference to your community and meet like-minded people, come along to one of our organised events, both litter picking and gardening projects. We provide the equipment; you just need to turn up.

We meet most weekends and have ad hoc litter picks & Community Projects throughout the week.

You can find us here at or contacts us at

Incredible Edible Radcliffe

Get involved in sowing, growing, and getting to know others at our site just off the bottom of Outwood Road.

We meet on Sundays 12-2pm weather permitting.

Part of the Bury Incredible Edible network.

Find us on Facebook

See Incredible Edible – Prestwich & District ( for all our sites or email

Radcliffe Rotary

Radcliffe Rotary has always been involved in looking after Festival Gardens. Latterly the litter pickers have been joining us to keep this green space tidy and litter free. Planting daffodils supplied by the council.

Our Youth & Vocational Team have established gardens and Forest schools in Radcliffe Primary Schools, and we have recently been asked by a school to help them create a community allotment site.

Our members have also assisted with the establishment of the Canal side garden, and Church Street Garden.

If you would like to get involved, you can find more information here

Get involved in Outwood Country park.

Outwood country park covers over 60 hectares and hosts an array of important habitats, including young broadleaved woodland, grassland, heathland, and ponds.

You can find more information here

Would you be interested in having a say over what happens? Interested in volunteering your time to help look after Outwood? Outwood needs a ‘Friends of’ group.

Get involved in Chapelfield Nature Reserve

Lots of improvements are being considered for this nature reserve and you can find out more here Chapelfield Nature Reserve | Proffitts - Community Projects and Community Funding - Lancashire (

Would you be interested in having a say over what happens? Interested in volunteering your time to help look after Chapelfield Nature Reserve? Chapelfield Nature Reserve is in need of a ‘Friends of’ group.


Ainsworth Friends of the Delph

We are a small group of volunteers who look after a piece of land called the Delph, on Church Street, Ainsworth. The group was formed in April 2021. We cut the grass, strim, plant flowers, shrubs and trees, and generally keep the Delph tidy for community use.

All abilities and ages are welcome. We meet most Saturday mornings between 9.30am and 12 noon (weather permitting).

Contact Paul on our Facebook page at

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