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Reducing Anxiety - Getting Advice (SEMH KS2)

Reducing Anxiety - Getting Advice (SEMH KS2)

Use whole class approaches to teaching emotional regulation strategies, e.g. Zones of Regulation, cosmic kids yoga, peer massage, calm boxes.


Use stories and therapeutic metaphors to teach about feelings and normalise feelings of anxiety, e.g. Margot Sunderland books.


Practise calming strategies as a class routinely, particularly after a transition from break or lunch, e.g. colouring, or mindful breathing exercise.


Embed growth mindset as a whole school approach.  This could be done by creating posters that are displayed in classrooms and around the school and having regular assembles and PSHE lessons that focus on developing a growth mindset, for example celebrities or inventors who failed many times before succeeding.


Mindfulness/yoga – Mindfulness Minis


Having regular whole class slots to talk about feelings and to read & discuss stories which focus on what anxiety is, where it comes from and how to manage it. Consider using puppets to model the feelings you are discussing.


Having a sound 'Notice/check/try'/Early Identification & Early Intervention approach across school which guides practitioners on what to do at the earliest signs of anxiety arising.


Whole class visual timeline regularly referred to.


Timer for end of activities.


Taking an EBSA approach across school.




After PE/lunch/wet play - calming and breathing exercises.


Listening to music to help calm following break times.


Scenario work. Relate to stories or experiences. Puppets and ‘small world’ toys can be useful for children who struggle to verbalise their feelings. Stories and scenarios can allow children to displace their feelings onto an imaginary character (or puppet). This can help them to express, process or act out difficult emotions or events they have experienced.


Talk Houses - children can add messages about things they need to talk to an adult about. Teacher or TA then follows this up.


Visual timetable.

Chat box.

Classroom environment - calm down area, safe space in classroom.


Clear preparation for change to routine.

Worry monsters

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