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Reducing Anxiety - Getting Advice (SEMH KS3)

Reducing Anxiety - Getting Advice (SEMH KS3)

Use stories and therapeutic metaphors to teach about feelings and normalise feelings of anxiety, e.g. Margot Sunderland books.


Explore negative thinking styles as part of PSHE curriculum, as well as strategies to challenge these.


Practise calming strategies as a class routinely, particularly after a transition from break or lunch, e.g. mindful breathing exercise or simple 3-minute silent start activity.


Embed growth mindset as a whole school approach.  This could be done by creating posters that are displayed in classrooms and around the school and having regular assembles and PSHE lessons that focus on developing a growth mindset, for example celebrities or inventors who failed many times before succeeding.


Personal Development lessons focusing on coping strategies.


Three Houses Activity - writing worries, likes and dreams.




Worry Monsters.

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