Reducing Anxiety - Getting Advice (SEMH KS4)
Reducing Anxiety - Getting Advice (SEMH KS4)
Reducing Anxiety - Getting Advice (SEMH KS4)
Explore negative thinking styles as part of PSHE curriculum, as well as strategies to challenge these.
Practise calming strategies as a class routinely, particularly after a transition from break or lunch, e.g. mindful breathing exercise or simple 3-minute silent start activity.
Embed growth mindset as a whole school approach. This could be done by creating posters that are displayed in classrooms and around the school and having regular assembles and PSHE lessons that focus on developing a growth mindset, for example celebrities or inventors who failed many times before succeeding.
Personal Development lessons focusing on coping strategies.
Three Houses Activity - writing worries, likes, and dreams.
Worry Monsters.