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Reducing Anxiety - Getting Help (SEMH KS1)

Reducing Anxiety - Getting Help (SEMH KS1)

Identify and complete appropriate assessments to establish a greater understanding of the child’s needs, for example:

·         The Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire (SDQ).


Consider Cognitive Behavioural approaches to group work provided over specified period e.g.:

·         Starving the Anxiety Gremlin (ages 5-9 years).

·         Starving the Anger Gremlin (ages 5-9 years).

·         FRIENDS Programmes.


Use EBSA materials to find out the children’s/child’s views e.g. card sort activity.


Calming techniques taught and practiced in a small group.


Sailing the Anxiety boat - a small group intervention designed by a clinical psychologist in Bury NHS. It is available via the Primary SEMH Team.


Circle of friends.


Mindfulness and meditation intervention - Sitting still like a frog. The book provides excellent ‘scripts’ for support in talking with children about anxieties. It also relates well to children who struggle to concentrate, either because of their constant thoughts and worries or because they have a diagnosis of ADHD for example. The book is written with parents in mind but can be used in school also.


Scenario work. Relate to stories or experiences. Puppets and ‘small world’ toys can be useful for children who struggle to verbalise their feelings. Stories and scenarios can allow children to displace their feelings onto an imaginary character (or puppet). This can help them to express, process or act out difficult emotions or events they have experienced.


Mindfulness activities.


Pre teaching.


Keeping routines.

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