Reducing Anxiety - Getting Help (SEMH KS4)
Reducing Anxiety - Getting Help (SEMH KS4)
Reducing Anxiety - Getting Help (SEMH KS4)
Identify and complete appropriate assessments to establish a greater understanding of the young person’s needs, for example:
· The Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire (SDQ).
Consider Cognitive Behavioural approaches to group work provided over a specified period of time e.g. Think Good Feel Good and the FRIENDS Programme.
Implement Pyramid clubs.
Positive behaviour support.
Short courses on reducing anxiety done in groups rather than 1-1.
Group breakfast club, breaktime and lunch targeting different young people. Preparing for the day and any upcoming changes.
Learning anxiety reduction techniques.
Helping Children with Fear - Margot Sutherland book.
Helping Children who are Anxious or Obsessional - Margot Sutherland book.
From Timid to Tiger programme.