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Reducing Anxiety - Getting More Help (SEMH KS2)

Reducing Anxiety - Getting More Help (SEMH KS2)

Identify and complete appropriate assessments to establish a greater understanding of the child’s needs.


Provide a daily check in with a key adult/team of adults.


Allow engagement with a neutral task or complete an assigned ‘job’ at school to reduce feelings of anxiety.


Implement an Anxiety Curve.


Time out/brain break and change of face.


Using the EBSA pathway.


Positive home/school communication books.


Safe base plan.


Meet and greet sessions in the morning and after breaks if necessary. Nurturing activities can be done here (Soft start).


Scheduled one to one time with key worker.  Designated adult/attachment figure.


Draw and Talk.


Movement/distraction breaks.


Anxiety curve/de-escalation plan.


Work around diagnoses. Identifying famous people with neurodiversity.


Starving the anxiety gremlin.


Safe space - co-identify with the child an appropriate safe space and rehearse moving there during periods of calm.


Transitional objects.


Observation for wellbeing and involvement.


5-minute (or appropriate length of time) countdown to change of activity. This can be individual or whole class depending on the need of the child. Some children do not like to feel targeted or singled out, others need the direct prompt.

An individual visual timetable or now and next board may also be used, but the same would apply.

Opportunities to return to a piece of work that is incomplete/they have enjoyed.


Sailing the Anxiety Boat.


Mindfulness activities.


Worry Dolls.


Five star/square breathing technique.


Visualisation using the senses.


Meeting and discussions with parents - preparing children for triggers via an individual behaviour plan/script for example.


Helping children who are anxious book.


Sensory diet.

Safe/quiet space.

Meet and greet.

Social stories.

Anxiety Curve.

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