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Reducing Anxiety - Getting More Help (SEMH KS4)

Reducing Anxiety - Getting More Help (SEMH KS4)

Identify and complete appropriate assessments to establish a greater understanding of the young person’s needs, for example: 

·         Schools and Students Health Education Unit (SHEU) surveys.


Provide opportunities for daily check in with a key adult/team of adults.


Allow engagement with a neutral task or complete an assigned ‘job’ at school to reduce feelings of anxiety.


Work with a group of key staff to identify the individual profile of the young person to gain an understanding of their individual triggers, observable behaviours, as well specific escalating and de-escalating adult responses.  An example of this might be the RAMP (Reducing Anxiety Management Plan). 


Other strategies may include:

·         Assigning a keyworker;

·         Visual timetables, now and next;

·         Wellbeing sessions;

·         Giving young people time to talk;

·         Time out passes;

·         Gratitude journaling - think of 3 things you are pleased with;

·         Grounding techniques to be used during time out e.g. breathing or tapping;

·         Sensory breaks;

·         Individual workstations;

·         Preparing for the day ahead - checking with keyworker each day to go through each lesson expectations/changes;

·         Access to quiet room/space;

·         Use of ‘Starving the anxiety gremlin’;

·         Transition planning


Mindfulness and holistics via Early Break (5-16 years).


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