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Reflective Practice and SEND

Reflective Practice and SEND

The best educational practitioners reflect on their teaching style and approach and revise this based on what works well for them and the children and young people they work with. This is a crucial aspect of working with the SEND population as all children and young people are first and foremost individuals; what works for one child/young person may not work for another, even when they have similar SEND profiles or diagnoses.

Staff with good self-awareness and a willingness to make adjustments for children and young people experience the greatest success within the classroom and with SEND support.

‘Reflective Practice is learning through and from experience towards gaining new insights of self and practice.’

(Finlay, 2008)

Reflective Practice

Reflective practice is to critically evaluate experience from both the past and present and to use that information to inform and plan teaching and learning.

Reflective Practice is...     

  • about learning from others;         

  • a shared activity;

  • about improving your objectivity; and

  • is a key factor in improving learner experience

Reflective Practice supports the identification of and provision for SEND pupils and fits well with the assess-plan-do-review cycle.

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