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Friends, Relationships & Community - Getting Advice (KS 3&4)

Friends, Relationships & Community - Getting Advice (KS 3&4)

Personal, social, health and economic (PSHE) education curriculum, covering a range of topics focused on community participation, relationships, and friendships. Resources such as DisRespect NoBody.


Curriculums/programmes of work that focus on relationships, including sexual health and relationships (choices, safety, and good health).


Curriculums/programmes of work that focus on promoting an understanding of responsible use of social media and other online activity such as gaming.


Encouragement and support for young people in accessing a range of extracurricular activities.


Support for accessing community volunteering opportunities.

Young people are supported to know where they can go for help and how to use the emergency services.


Consideration is given to the young people's outcomes and aspirations. Explore with young people their aspirations, what they want to be able to do when they leave school and the support that they need to achieve this.


Support young people to identify activities that they may wish to access (these can be found through the Local Offer).


Support focused on maintaining friendships and relationships.


Sessions and curriculum that cover safety online (including managing social media) and offline.


After school clubs and extra- curricular activities. 

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