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Relationships - Getting Help (SEMH KS2)

Relationships - Getting Help (SEMH KS2)

Identify and complete appropriate assessments to establish a greater understanding of the child’s needs and inform group interventions, for example:

·         Boxall Profile.

·         Child and Youth Resiliency Measure.

·         The Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire (SDQ).

·         Emotional Literacy Assessment


Offer small group interventions to promote positive peer interactions including:

·         Time to Talk;

·         Talkabout;

·         Circle of Friends;

·         FRIENDS Programme;

·         S. S Grin;

·         Nurture Groups,

·         ELSA interventions for emotional development;

·         Lego Therapy;

·         Friendship formula book (LDA);

·         Socially Speaking.


The following strategies can be shared with parents alongside use in school to support attachment needs:


·         Use Lego intervention or similar to support building a relationship with an adult.


·         Provide opportunities for small world play and story sharing alongside an adult to support conversation development and build trust.


·         Provide a ‘running commentary’ for younger children who struggle to express themselves or need to develop language skills.


Complete a class sociogram to identify friendship groups within the class.



Creative cafe - children come together to prepare and share food. Lots of opportunity to build relationships create a safe place to talk

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