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Self-Esteem / Self-efficacy- Getting Advice (SEMH KS1)

Self-Esteem / Self-efficacy- Getting Advice (SEMH KS1)

Embed a whole class growth mindset approach coupled with effective differentiation.


Implement whole class activities that encourage identification of strengths, e.g. creating visual reminders of their strengths through posters, certificates, stickers. These can be collected in a ‘Good to be Me’ or ‘All about Me’ book.


Utilise resilience-based frameworks and interventions such as the Boing Boing Framework or Resilience Doughnut.


Identify and complete appropriate assessments to establish a greater understanding of the whole class/school’s needs, for example: 

·      Pupil Attitudes to Self and School (PASS).


Offer opportunities for children to take on jobs and responsibilities in class and school.


Whole school approaches to gathering the views of all children.


Regular whole class/school opportunities to celebrate achievements other than academic ones.


'Listening to Young Children' (Coram Family Trust) type of approach to hearing children's voice.


Positive comments books/board.


Whole school recognition e.g. 'Recognition Postcard' celebrated in school and at home linked to school rules.


Dojo points- winners/prizes


Recognition boards - recognise the effort rather than the end product.


Conversations which live and breathe the journey for a child. Championing children.


Mindfulness minis.


Proud Cloud.

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