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Self-Esteem / Self-efficacy - Getting Advice (SEMH KS3)

Self-Esteem / Self-efficacy - Getting Advice (SEMH KS3)

Identify and complete appropriate assessments to establish a greater understanding of the whole class/school’s needs, for example: 

Pupils Attitudes to Self and School (PASS).


Embed a whole class growth mindset approach which focuses on effort over achievement.


Use positive classroom management strategies such as PIP & RIP – praise in pubic and reprimand in private.


Provide regular opportunities for young people to identify and celebrate success and achievements and share these with others.


Ensure praise is specific and focuses on the learning process i.e. learning from mistakes and taking on challenges.


Opportunities for young people to engage extra-curricular activities which allow them to showcase their strengths for example debating club, gaming club or gardening club.


Ensure that young person’s successes and achievements are shared with parents and carers.


Personal Development lessons on healthy self-concept following guidance from PHSE Association.


Full enrichment programme offered across the school. Young people achieve bronze/silver/gold awards.


Books that encourage young people to offer and have accepted their ideas e.g. 'Would you Rather....'


Using motivational videos e.g. on resilience/perseverance.


Access to Duke of Edinburgh qualifications.


Sessions around social media highlighting that often what people see on social media is not that person's reality. Supporting young person to understand that what they see is what that person sharing has chosen for them to see rather than a true reflection of that person's whole life.


Reviewing whole school behaviour policy - is it celebratory and uses language to describe behaviours positively?


Enabling young people to access more activities where they shine e.g. sports, art, music etc.


Pebbles in the jar or whole class motivators.


Jigsaw programme.


IQM standard - Inclusive Learning standards.

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