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Social, Emotional & Mental Health - Parent/Carer Overviews

Social, Emotional & Mental Health - Parent/Carer Overviews

What is SEMH?

SEMH is used instead of Social, Emotional and Mental Health because it’s shorter and easier. Like we say LOL instead of laughing out loud or lots of love. This is what it means:

Everyone belongs to different groups where they socialise - meet, chat, have fun, learn, and feel they belong.


There can be times when we need help in our social groups at school, in our families or with our friends because we are not happy.

Everyone has emotions or feelings. They help us to understand what we like or don’t like. What might be a good thing to do or not. Sometimes emotions pop up unexpectedly. If someone does or says something we like, and it makes us happy we might smile and feel loved.


Other times thoughts pop into our heads which make us sad, cross, or worried. There can be times when we need help to enjoy more good feelings.

Our bodies are healthy when we don’t have coughs, colds, aches or pains. We have good Mental Health when we feel happy, safe, cared for and when we have more good feelings or emotions than worries.


Sometimes we need help to make our mental health a bit better, to recognise the good things about us and how we can make our lives happier, or healthier.

You might not know it but … You are amazing!!!

Some of us are good at spelling whilst others are better at football. Some make good choices and are good friends. These are good skills to have.

It can seem that some young people never have any problems, and that can make us feel life is not fair. BUT most of us need extra help at some time in our life. Even your teachers. It might be now; it might be later. It might be with work or it might be because something is not helping us to be happy. It might be with one thing or with a couple of things.

There are times when people need someone to….

Show them why.

Talk to them about what they are finding difficult AT THE MOMENT!

Teach skills and give tips in fun ways, to help us feel good and improve our SEMH

Social, Emotional & Mental Health Overview

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