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SENCO leadership role: Supporting and upskilling staff

SENCO leadership role: Supporting and upskilling staff

The SENCO, in partnership with the Senior Leadership Team, curriculum leads and pastoral teams, has an important role in promoting effective teaching and learning and in supporting the early identification of children and young people's needs.

Experienced SENCOs

Experienced SENCOs lead on the coordination of QFT within settings, supporting teachers and pastoral staff to deliver effective provision across all areas of need.

Experienced SENCOs in Bury tell us that their role in leading the coordination of support is facilitated by:


Having protected time for the SENCO role.


Developing a whole setting approach whereby SEND is understood as everybody's responsibility.


Leading and/or coordinating training and CPD opportunities for all staff (e.g. regular input at staff meetings).


Working with teaching staff and TAs to ensure that all children and young people have time and direct input from the class teacher. Further information from the Education Endowment Foundation about the most effective use of Teaching Assistants can be found here


Upskilling TAs to conduct observations and baseline assessments, including the use of screening tools for large groups/whole year groups, so that these tasks do not need to be coordinated solely by the SENCO.


Cascading good practice within settings (e.g. to HLTAs) and ensuring that new staff and Early Career Teachers (ECTs) receive appropriate support and induction in relation to effective teaching and learning for all children and young people, including those with SEND.


Having protected time with all teaching and support staff to look at whole-class provision and to review support that is in place. SENCOs also highlight the importance of meeting with wider staff across the setting (e.g. office and lunchtime staff) to ensure that children and young people's needs are understood by all.


Signposting staff to Top Tips to support inclusive practice for all children and young people. Sharing support strategies with teachers, ensuring that recommendations are 'scaled up' to the benefit of all children and young people where possible. Top tips and good practice recommendations can be found in the sections covering each of the four areas of need.


Ensuring there are well-developed processes within settings so that staff understand their roles and responsibilities in relation to SEND, before seeking support from the SENCO. This includes teaching and support staff recording strategies and approaches they have tried and their impact (see Notice, Check and Try).

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