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Sensory and/or Physical - Assessment Tools (KS3)

Sensory and/or Physical - Assessment Tools (KS3)

Sensory Assessment Checklist (Autism Education Trust) – Upload ‘AET sensory assessment checklist’ document


Sensory Audit for Schools and Classrooms (Autism Education Trust) – Upload ‘AET sensory audit tool for environments’ document


Bury Coordination Matters Observation Checklists – Upload the ‘Coordination Matters Activity Pack Sept 2022’ and the ‘Coordination Matters Checklist Sept 2022’ The Observation Checklist should be completed and strategies from the activity pack implemented in school, with outcomes recorded over at least one term prior to a referral to Occupational Therapy (OT).  These activities have been created with primary-aged children and young people in mind, but activities can be used with older young people where appropriate.   


Detailed Assessment of Speed of Handwriting (Pearson) – for young people aged 9 years to 16 years 11 months

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