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Achieve Bury - Substance Misuse - Drugs and Alcohol

Photograph taken by John Openshaw

Achieve Bury - Substance Misuse - Drugs and Alcohol

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Achieve Bury will take a whole-person approach and help to address issues such as employment, education, housing, finances and relationships which can prevent or slow down recovery. 

We have teamed up with The Big Life Group which can support our service users to rebuild their lives and work towards an optimistic future.  Families and young people in particular can be especially affected by a family member living with a substance misuse problem, so we will also be working with Early Break, an organisation dedicated to supporting families and giving children and young people a voice, and work with them to improve family life.

GMMH has years of experience and expertise in the field of substance misuse – we have been rated as ‘Outstanding’ for our alcohol and drug recovery services by the Care Quality Commission and we are extremely proud to welcome Bury in to the Achieve family.

If you are worried about your own, or someone else’s substance misuse issues, you can contact us on 0161 271 0020 or  GPs and other health professionals can also refer individuals to us via these contact details.

Opening times:

  • Monday - Friday: 9am to 4.30pm
  • Monday to Friday (phones answered until 5pm) and 9am to 6.30pm alternate Mondays.

Contact Details

Telephone Number

0161 271 0020

Service Information


Bury & Local Area

Target Audiences:


Support Groups:

Mental health conditions, Alcohol/Substance misuse

Links for information

Last updated 18th November 2024

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