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African and Caribbean Mental Health Services

Photograph taken by Brian Peters

African and Caribbean Mental Health Services

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ACMHS office closure due to COVID-19

All staff will be working from home until further notice.

If you wish to contact us during this time, please email: or contact the Administrator on: 07511608915.

Take care and be safe.


ACMHS was established in October 1989 as a direct result of concerns expressed in the community about the frequency with which second generation African and African Caribbean youths were admitted to psychiatric hospitals and the regional forensic unit.

IMPROVING ACCESS TO PSYCHOLOGICAL THERAPIES (IAPT): ACMHS provides services predominantly to African and African Caribbean people as well as other minority groups including White Europeans across North, South and Central Manchester, for people experiencing anxiety disorders, depression, post-natal depression, social anxiety and phobias, stress reaction and other psychological problems. Clients must be registered with a Manchester GP.

SECONDARY CARE:  ACMHS provides culturally sensitive services to African and African Caribbean people experiencing severe and enduring mental health conditions within Manchester and surrounding areas eg: schizophrenia, bipolar disorder and other psychological problems.


  • Mental Health Team: A multi-skilled team providing Primary health care within a Stepped Care Model for people aged 18 and above, registered with a Manchester GP
  • Support for people with severe and enduring mental health
  • Case management, Assessment, self-help materials and guidance
  • Counselling: CBT, person centred and couples
  • CBT interventions
  • Befriending/Peer Support
  • Drop-ins: Sport, art, music, life skills
  • Advocacy – for service users and their families i.e.: hospital visiting, befriending, advice on Mental Health Act, medication, diagnosis, benefits, housing
  • Groups - Carer’s, Women’s, Men’s
  • Training i.e.: race and mental health, cultural awareness and mental wellbeing
  • Student placements (social work, Occupational Therapists, community and youth workers, nurses, social change, medical, counsellors)
  • Volunteer support services – facilitating drop-ins, person centred counselling, befriending and hospital visiting
  • Advice surgery: Every Tuesday, 10 – 12pm at the Windrush Millennium Centre

 YOUNG PEOPLE’TOOLKIT – MIGRAINE:  ‘Migraine’ aims to provide a variety of services to young people, families and school staff. We strive to help young people to look after their mental wellbeing.

We provide training and support to staff and young people for them to develop a deeper understanding of cultural needs and identifying signs and symptoms of mental health.

 BEFRIENDING PROJECT:  The Befriending Project aims to aid the recovery of African and Caribbean patients in hospital. The service is provided by service users who have experience of being inpatients. 

Contact Details


Dawn Bryan

Job Title/Position


Mobile Number


Telephone Number

0161 226 9562


Times & Dates

Date(s) Info

Monday to Friday from 9am to 5pm

Time of Day

Evening, Afternoon, Morning


Referral Notes

We accept self referrals and also referrals from carers and families, as well as external agencies i.e. GPs, Social Services, Solicitors, Housing and other Mental Health Teams.


Service Information


North West

Target Audiences:


Support Groups:

Mental health conditions

Referral Required?:

Links for information

Last updated 30th March 2021

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