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Ashcroft School

Photograph taken by Maurice Clegg

Ashcroft School

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Ashcroft School is a specialist school in Stockport that supports students aged 8 to 18 who have Social, Emotional and Mental Health Difficulties. Students may also have other difficulties such as school phobia, anxiety, depression, or have diagnoses of ADHD, foetal alcohol syndrome, acquired brain injury (ABI) or autism. 

Every child should have the chance to shape their future through learning. Ashcroft offers the right balance of personalised learning and intensive support to help every student break through barriers and reach their potential. Every day our students build their self-esteem, learn new skills and move towards a happy and fulfilled future. Trust us to help you get there.  

Our approach 

Our students are at the heart of everything we do. We listen to their hopes and dreams, help them see, understand and overcome their barriers. And give them the support to love learning again. 

We base everything we do around the six nurturing principles. This helps our students feel secure, supported and positive about their learning environment. Accredited by the Nurture Group, Ashcroft holds the prestigious Marjorie Boxall Quality Mark Award, awarded to us at the highest level. 

  • Children’s learning is understood developmentally 
  • The classroom offers a safe base 
  • The importance of nurture for the development of wellbeing 
  • Language is a vital means of communication 
  • All behaviour is communication 
  • The importance of Transition in children’s lives 

When a student first joins us, we use the Boxall profile to assess their social skills and any challenging behaviours. This helps us to really understand what’s going on beneath the surface. It also helps us to set targets towards positive change. 

From here we develop a tailor-made plan for each individual learner, making sure they’re involved in the process and their needs are met. 

Our curriculum  

Our curriculum is broad, balanced and adapted to meet every student’s individual needs. They’ll get to build their skills, tackle any gaps and improve their literacy and numeracy. As well as work towards recognised qualifications. We have a strong track record of student’s receiving:  

  • Unit Awards 
  • Entry Level Certificate (Entry Level 1, 2, 3) 
  • BTEC Firsts (Award, Certificate, Extended Certificate, Diploma) 
  • BTEC Nationals 
  • GCSE 
  • A Level 

Students love our outdoor learning programme. These activities help young people develop their communication, leadership skills and teamwork. Activities include: 

  • Climbing 
  • Kayaking 
  • Bushcraft 
  • Sailing 
  • Orienteering 
  • Duke of Edinburgh Award 

As well as getting outdoors, students can join in lots of other fun, creative activities. We focus on projects that have a track record of engaging hard-to-reach young people, such as drama, music, cookery, film and photography. 

Our award-winning film projects have helped students explore issues in a safe and non-threatening way. As well as share their stories with the community through North West film festivals and performance events. 

Watch Emma’s story and hear how Ashcroft got her hope back for the future:

Contact Details


Ashcroft School

Telephone Number

0161 283 4832

Secondary Telephone Number

0161 283 4848


Times & Dates

Date(s) Info

School Term Time- Monday to Thursday 9:00am to 3:15pm, Friday 9.00 am to 2.15pm

Days of the week

Monday to Friday

Time of Day

Afternoon, Morning

Activity Period

Term Time

Local Offer

Contact Name

Ashcroft School

Contact Email

SEN Provision Type



Behind every challenging behaviour is an underlying root cause. We listen to students, take the time to understand what’s driving their behaviour, and come up with a positive action plan. Together, we can help students take control of their learning and make a change for the better.

We do this through special student groups, activities and direct support and by working with parents and families. Individual student support is at the heart of what we do.

Our staff are trained to support students with dyslexia, dyscalculia or dyspraxia. And we’re connected with expert clinical psychologists and therapists through the wider Together Trust services. We can also offer a full diagnostic assessment if we believe a student could have autism, followed by advice, support and specialist therapeutic input.

We take a positive reinforcement approach to managing behaviour, encouraging students by celebrating positive change. Each student also has a personalised behaviour management plan which sets appropriate limits, creates a safe learning environment, supports change and maintains placement stability.

Social, emotional and behavioural skills underpin almost every aspect of school, home and community life. Building these skills can help students learn more effectively and develop positive relationships with others. That’s why we teach Personal Social and Health Education (PSHE) every single day. It means students leave with the social and emotional literacy they need to lead a healthy, happy life. Some students struggle to put difficult thoughts and experiences into words.

Play therapy helps students make sense of things by exploring their anxieties in a safe space. We have a resident play therapist and a state-of-the-art playroom with everything needed to spark a young person’s imagination. With our support, students develop confidence, coping mechanisms and a more positive view of their place in the world. We include topics on e-safety and cyberbullying in ICT and PSHE lessons.

Staff receive training on child sexual exploitation (CSE) and online protection. This enables them to manage our students while they are on the internet. We don’t allow mobile phones in school and we work with parents and carers to ensure students are aware of online risks.

Age Bands

16-25 years, 11-15 years, 6-10 years

Core Response Approved?



Referral Notes

We welcome contact from parents/carers and other professionals who are seeking places for young people at the school, as it gives us the opportunity to explain more about ourselves and to answer any questions that you may have.

Parents, carers and learners are welcome to visit the school to see what we do and meet with our staff team and pupils.

Referrals are usually initiated through the Headteacher by the referring agency and Ashcroft School accepts formal referrals from:

  • Local authority teams
  • Social workers
  • Residential care homes or fostering services
  • Virtual school teams.

All relevant information is taken from the referring agency prior to the pupil and their parent/carers visit. The school would receive a copy of the EHCP / Statement and would meet the prospective pupil before a final decision is given and a formal offer of a place made.

We work closely with the referring agency at every stage of the student’s education until they are ready to leave Ashcroft School to attend mainstream education, further education, or move into a work placement.

Further information regarding admissions to Ashcroft School can be found by searching ‘Ashcroft admissions’ on  or for more information or to arrange a visit please contact our reception on 0161 283 4832 or email us at

General Notes

Service Information


North West

Target Audiences:

Secondary school/teenage (11-18), Primary school age (5-11)

Support Groups:

Autism, Communication impairment


Art and Craft activities, Garden/Secure Outdoor Play area, Quiet /Sleeping Area, Pets

Referral Required?:

Eligibility Requirements?:

Last updated 14th June 2024

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