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Baby Basics Bolton & Bury - helping vulnerable mums in the community and their newborn babies

Photograph taken by Bernard Johnson

Baby Basics Bolton & Bury - helping vulnerable mums in the community and their newborn babies

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Baby Basics help mums, babies and professionals by providing Moses basket starter packs and labour bags to vulnerable women in the community.  

The Moses Baskets are packed with toiletries for mum and baby as well as clothing, bedding, nappies, maternity pads and a new mattress for every basket. Labour bags are available to those who don't have the required items that allow them to feel prepared for their babies birth. The items we give out are often donated by other mum's who want their used excellent condition items to go to another family in need (we have a number of donation points throughout Bolton and Bury). Support from knit and knatter groups and other crafters provide beautiful blankets, wash bags, hats and booties for these babies that would otherwise have nothing.  

Baby Basics aim to support professionals in the important role they do by providing this resource to support their work. Professionals have told us that Baby Basics is an excellent, easy to use service that makes their job easier, that our service can make the difference between a baby being taken into care or going home to live with it's parents.

As a team it is important to us that our Moses basket starter packs are presented beautifully, we believe this communicates the message that the baby and mum receiving it are important. We provide information on safe sleep as well as on community groups that may be of help to the mum and baby (debt management, toddler groups, English speaking classes etc).

Our aim is not only to provide a safer place for a baby to sleep but to support professionals who are already challenged by cuts in resources, give hope to vulnerable women that someone cares and that there is hope that they can succeed.  

We believe every baby deserves a good start.

Please note at the moment we are only able to cover the Bury North area (BL8, BL0, BL9 & M26), our referrals usually come via midwives and health visitors. 

Contact Details


Baby Basics Bolton & Bury

Job Title/Position

Reception / Cantre Manager

Telephone Number

01204 361 704



Referral Notes

Referrals are accepted from Professionals such as midwives, health visitors and social services. 

We also work closely with the sure start centres and other agencies such as domestic abuse and refugee support centers.

We currently cover the geographical area of Bolton and Bury except Whitefield and Prestwich.

Service Information


North West

Target Audiences:

Adults, Pre-school (0-5)

Referral Required?:

Links for information

Related Services & Pages

Last updated 14th August 2020

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