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Barclays Money Skills

Photograph taken by John Openshaw

Barclays Money Skills

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Supporting individuals with Barclays Money Skills, achieve their ambitions

Money Skills was created in 2010 and has supported more than 1.5 million young people across the UK in making better financial decisions. Money Skills is designed to support both school children and teachers and youth workers and other practitioners working with individuals aged between 16 and 25 to develop practical money management skills.

The resources were created in partnership with respected and experienced charities to develop projects that build financial inclusion, financial capability and support enterprise.These are areas where we know we can make the biggest social impact for the communities we serve.

Barclays’ colleagues are also contributing their time, energy and resources to make sure Barclays Money Skills makes a long term positive difference for society. However people experience the programme whether in face to face workshops, seminars, through peer education or online, we aim to build their skills and inspire them to take control of their money.

To arrange a session or to find out more information about Money Skills, please contact us.


Service Information



Target Audiences:

All ages

Links for information

Last updated 7th June 2022

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