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Beacon Boxes - Bespoke Educational Activities Centred on Need.

Photograph taken by Maurice Clegg

Beacon Boxes - Bespoke Educational Activities Centred on Need.

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Beacon Boxes -Bespoke Educational Activities Centred on Need

An EOTAS provision aimed at reaching the most vulnerable students who are unable to attend school due to SEN and SEMH needs, notably PDA and autism.

About us

We are two highly experienced SEN teachers who have been supporting learners with complex SEND for most of our careers. We are skilled at and knowledgeable in providing bespoke learning experiences for students who have an EOTAS package. We are proud to be collaborators with 'Spectrum Space' an established bespoke learning box provider -

Who do we provide for?

Our business is aimed at reaching those students who have an EOTAS package who may struggle with the demands of a tutor. The students we work with often have a PDA (Pathological Demand Avoidance) profile and suffer with high anxiety and burnout related to adverse school experiences and require a more bespoke approach to their education. We can provide for children and young people from age 5 years to 25 years.

What we offer?

We provide a broad and balanced curriculum through bespoke activities based around students' particular interests and focused on needs. We create weekly individualised long distance learning boxes which provide around 10 hours of educational activities which can be completed when the student wishes, reducing demands. These are delivered directly to your home. These are creatively planned to specifically appeal to students' interests and are carefully matched to their levels and needs, as outlined in their EHCP. These are designed to be completed when where and how a child likes and the focus is on low demand, engagement and flexibility. Everything is optional, giving control and choice to the student. Parents may choose to deliver this for them, or if able, a child may complete aspects independently. We provide regular communication regarding progress and adaptations, as well as half termly reviews involving all concerned. We also provide reports for the LA and offer to attend annual reviews, if required.

How to find out more?

Email Gayle and Helen at and we will be happy to arrange a call or meeting to provide more information and discuss your requirements.

Telephone - 07792541277 (Gayle) or 077939238353 (Helen)

Contact Details


Gayle Eisen

Job Title/Position

Co-founder of Beacon Boxes

Mobile Number


Telephone Number


Email Address

Times & Dates

Date(s) Info

Monday to Friday 9am-5pm.

Days of the week

All days

Session Information

Term time only

Costs & Bookings


Quotes available on request. Approximate cost for annual provision of 39 weeks including resources, delivery, planning, reports, meetings £13,000.

Service Information

Suitable for ages:




Target Audiences:

Secondary school/teenage (11-18), Primary school age (5-11), Parent carers, Children and Young People with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND), People aged 18 and over

Support Groups:

Learning difficulties, Autism, Mental health conditions, Communication impairment, Sensory Impairment, Complex Needs

Last updated 11th June 2024

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