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Beautiful Memories (For People With Dementia / Effected by Dementia)

Photograph taken by Bernard Johnson

Beautiful Memories (For People With Dementia / Effected by Dementia)

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To bring support and much needed facilities to our community. Especially those who are battling with dementia, Alzheimer's and related issues.

These people must be empowered through others to live their lives as they wish. There is a need to support and find resources so that they have choice, dignity and the chance to do the things they love to do.

Help is also needed for those who support them and care for them. It is a difficult task.

We are about going into the community, taking activities, opportunities to these in our community.

Offering a place to meet, enjoy and share. Making everyone aware of what we can achieve together. Stopping isolation and lack of everyday needs

We want to create Beautiful Memories within the people of our community.

Reach out to all those who experience memory loss, those who are supporting these people, so that they too have somewhere to go and share the experiences of like-minded people. We need a friendly community, one of understanding and acceptance.

We aim to bring these things to our community, with a range of venues and activities based on what the people want. Tailored to their needs.

We are not waiting for them to come to us, we want to be far-reaching, all inclusive of culture, faith and social needs.

Please listen to this poem from one of our service users. A copy of this is available in both Urdu and English from us here.

It says a lot about what we want to do.

We aim to bring our community together for a common goal. Including interaction with our children, local schools and youth groups.

There is so much to be gained for all of us.

Contact Details


Vicky, Taz, Iram

Job Title/Position

Project Lead

Service Information


Bury & Local Area

Target Audiences:

Adults, Older people (over 65), Adult carers

Support Groups:


Last updated 14th June 2023

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