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Brandlesholme Community Centre

Photograph taken by Liam Hayat

Brandlesholme Community Centre

0 Reviews

Brandlesholme Community Centre is a charity run by members of the community, to provide a central location which serves the communities of Brandlesholme and Woodhill.

BCC has a strong reputation for working with a variety of organisations so that our residents have the best access to a range of services, we regularly hold special events for families throughout the year and also have weekly activities on offer; independent organisations are able to hire BCC in order to meet local needs too.

We are an inclusive centre and our events integrate people of all different demographics to work as one.

Contact Details


Brent-James Pinder

Job Title/Position

Chief Officer & Chairperson

Telephone Number

0161 797 7366


Service Information


Bury & Local Area

Links for information

Last updated 18th July 2024

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