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Breakfast bars, breakfast biscuits and bakes

Photograph taken by Brian Peters

Breakfast bars, breakfast biscuits and bakes

0 Reviews

This information is provided by Oral Health Improvement Bury | The Bury Directory

Often people skip breakfast during the morning rush, grabbing a quick snack on the move, adding something extra to a child's lunchbox-cereal bars can be a reliable go-to option on busy days. Although often thought of as a healthy option, this is not always the case, with many varieties containing surprisingly high amounts of sugar.

These resources will enable you to design your own bespoke display for your setting. Sugar spoons have been added to give a visual representation of sugar content. The sugar content is also shown in grams to allow you to ADD small bags of sugar to each item should you wish.

This will help you to raise awareness to parents/ carers and children adults of all ages.

Contact Details


Alison Tabois

Job Title/Position

Oral Health Promotion Officer

Mobile Number

07826 858005

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