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Breakfast on-the-go drinks, are they healthy?
Breakfast on-the-go drinks, are they healthy?
0 Reviews
This information is provided by Oral Health Improvement Bury | The Bury Directory
Many ‘breakfast drinks’, are also less healthy than their branding may suggest. Reading the label carefully may reveal that it many contain a lot of 'free' (added) sugar. Many drinks contain 6 teaspoons of sugar - that's almost the recommended daily amount of free sugars for adults.
These resources will compliment the cereals, biscuits and bakes displays and can help you to raise the awareness around sugar at breakfast time or snack time.
Contact Details
- Alison Tabois
Job Title/Position
- Oral Health Promotion Officer
Mobile Number
- 07826 858005
Email Address
Service Information
Bury & Local Area
Last updated 28th March 2023