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Bridge- trick-taking card game

Photograph taken by John Openshaw

Bridge- trick-taking card game

0 Reviews

Some of you may be feeling a little rusty with your bridge playing?

Wednesday morning at 10:15am is a gentle 12 board session with helpers eager to assist with those nervously returning after a long break without playing bridge during COVID.

You will soon realise that you have remembered more than you thought! You will also realise how much you missed the social side. 

Please also note some changes to previous safety measures at the Athenaeum.

The wearing of a mask or visor is a personal choice and no longer obligatory.

Please sanitise hands on entry and after moving to the next round.

Please bring correct change for your table money (£3).

When having refreshment please do not overcrowd the refreshment area. You may bring drinks into the bridge room to reduce close contact with others.

During morning and afternoon sessions food other than biscuits can be consumed on the premises.

Fans or air conditioning and open doors will still be used for ventilation.

We request proof of vaccination but remind all members that you are attending at your own risk. 

Contact Details


Tom Wilson

Job Title/Position

Membership secretary

Telephone Number


Email Address


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Health & Wellbeing

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Last updated 15th September 2021

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