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British Chelonia Group

Photograph taken by John Openshaw

British Chelonia Group

0 Reviews

We provide chelonia keepers with the support needed to ensure that their captive animals receive quality husbandry.

We raise funds from members, and from the public, to finance chelonia rescue, research and conservation projects worldwide.

We discourage the importation and purchase of wild caught specimens, in favour of responsible captive breeding.

Advisory and reference service only.

Tortoises and Terrapins.

Annual symposium at Chester Zoo, Lecture Theatre (Autumn)

Contact Details


Mr. John Thorpe

Job Title/Position

North Region Chairman

Telephone Number

0161 764 7078


Service Information


Bury & Local Area

Target Audiences:

Adults, Secondary school/teenage (11-18)

Links for information

Last updated 20th October 2021

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