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Bury Aikido Club

Photograph taken by Maurice Clegg

Bury Aikido Club

0 Reviews

Aikido is a 'pure' Japanese martial art. It is a fairly modern art but its roots go back over a thousand years. The warrior tradition of Japan gave rise to many fighting systems and weapons, which has, ironically, given rise to a path of harmony and love enriched in aikido.

Study of aikido covers a number of areas, chiefly the body art, weapons training and meditation. The form of practice with a partner includes throws, locks, take-downs and counter and evasion techniques.

Practice is generally soft but can be varied and quite vigorous.

Contact Details

Telephone Number

0161 449 7101


Service Information


Bury & Local Area

Target Audiences:

Adults, Secondary school/teenage (11-18), Primary school age (5-11)

Links for information

Last updated 23rd February 2024

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