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Bury Cabaret Lunch Club

Photograph taken by Tony Rostron

Bury Cabaret Lunch Club

0 Reviews

These events are community events in local venues with Cabaret and Lunch. They are aimed at anybody who wants to get together in local venues to listen to professional singers and enjoy wholesome food in the afternoon. Various dates and venues are available and we are always adding more.

These events primarily attract people of the older generation and have been particularly successful to combat loneliness and provide opportunities to meet new friends. Singles and couples and groups are all welcome. We get a lot of interest from other groups wanting to join in who are of course also welcome.

Cabaret lunch clubs have been in the borough for a few years and have proved to be very popular. It is not unusual for people to travel to several venues over the course of a month and a real community has developed over the years.

Given the popularity of these event we advise that those interested in finding out more, register for our regular text message alerts and on receipt of the information ensure they book at the venue itself prior to the event.

How to register

Check our Facebook for upcoming lunch club dates and venues.

Text us on 07788 673 466 or message us via our Facebook Page Cabaret Lunch Club

or visit our website

or email us at leaving your name and mobile telephone number

Please note that if you SEND us your mobile phone number or other contact details we will only use this to provide you with the requested information about the Cabaret Lunch Clubs and will not pass on your details to anyone else.

Contact Details


Denise Roscoe

Job Title/Position


Mobile Number

07788 673 466

Telephone Number

07788 673 466

Email Address

Costs & Bookings

Booking Information

It is advisable to book directly with the venue holding the Cabaret Lunch Club Event.

This information will be texted to you once you have joined the alerts. It is also posted on our face book page.

Service Information


Bury & Local Area

Target Audiences:

Older people (over 65), Adult carers, Adults under 65 years

Support Groups:

Health & Wellbeing


Visit & Outings & Use of local facilities

Links for information

Last updated 14th June 2023

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