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Bury Children's University

Photograph taken by Tony Rostron

Bury Children's University

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Children's University is an international charity that promotes social mobility by providing high quality, exciting and innovative learning activities and experiences outside normal school hours to children age 5 - 14 and engaging the wider communities as learning partners in the realisation of this. At the heart of its work is the ambition to raise aspirations, boost achievement and foster a love of learning, so that young people can make the most of their abilities and interests, regardless of the background into which they are born. Young people aged 14 -18 can still be involved in Children's University although the emphasis shifts from being a participant in out of hours learning to a leader and volunteer within these activities.

We celebrate achievement and reward participation through the award of Children' University certificates. Members are issued with a Passport to Learning in which they record the validated learning activities and experiences. Each hour of CU validated learning they complete brings the member closer to a Children's University graduation certificate, presented at a cap and gown graduation ceremony held at Bury College to which friends and family are invited to celebrate the childs achievement.

Through participation in fun, high quality learning experiences, we aim to grow inquisitive, confident, idependent children and learners. It's about enjoyment and a sense of achievement for all.

For further information please contact Sarah Leng or Diana Golding at Bury CE High School on 0161 797 6236.

Contact Details


Sarah Leng and/or Diana Golding

Job Title/Position

Bury CU Coordinators

Telephone Number

0161 797 6236


Times & Dates

Date(s) Info

Opportunities everyday, all year round

Time of Day

Evening, Afternoon, Morning

Session Information

Various validated activities available


Referral Notes

Members are not required to pay individually if their school is signed up the Children's University. Contact your school to see if they are a member school.

Validated learning activities are not controlled centrally by CU and will differ depending upon the activity. You should contact individual providers for this information.

Service Information


Bury & Local Area

Links for information

Last updated 19th July 2022

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