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Bury Health Visiting Service

Photograph taken by John Openshaw

Bury Health Visiting Service

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Health Visitors in Bury work for Salford Royal NHS Foundation Trust.  They are qualified nurses with specialist training and experience in many key areas including child health, health promotion and education.

They work in partnership with children and families and other agencies to provide a modern, effective health visiting service.

For information on the services we offer or to see a Health Visitor please click on the relevant links below:

For information on breastfeeding & weaning, please see links in the other details section and documents in the download section of this page.

If you are unsure which area team you fall under see our list below.

For 8-12 month & 2 -2.5 year development check appointments please call the appointments helpline on 0300 323 3316

Please contact the correct Health Visiting team for your registered surgery (Please note that Health Visiting teams are links to GP's and not to postal addresses)

 Bury Town Centre Team - based at Windsor House, 0161 762 3291 (select option 3)

GP practices are:
Peel GPs- Townside
Huntley Mount Medical Centre
Walmersley Road Surgery
Knowsley St Medical Centre
Rock Healthcare - Moorgate
Ribblesdale - Townside
Minden Medical Centre - Moorgate

Radcliffe Team -  based at Radcliffe Primary Care Centre, 0161 724 2086 (Option 1)

GP practices are:
Monarch Medical Practice
Spring Lane Surgery
Mile Lane Surgery
Rock Healthcare Radcliffe
Redbank Group Practice
Radcliffe Medical Practice


Ramsbottom, Tottington and North Manor Township Team - based at Ramsbottom Health Centre, 01706 282 933.

GP practices are:
Ramsbottom Health Centre
Greenmount Medical Centre
Tottington Medical Practice
Garden City Medical Centre
Woodbank Surgery

Prestwich Township Team - based at Prestwich Walk in Centre, 0161 798 2721

GP practices are:
Fairfax Medical Practice
Whittaker Lane Medical Practice
St Gabriels Medical Practice
Greylands Medical Practice
The Birches Medical Practice


Whitefield Township Team - based at Windsor Houese, 0161 762 3748

GP practices are:
Unsworth Medical Practice
Blackford House Medical Practice
The Elms Medical Practice
Longfield Medical Practice
Uplands Medical Practice


Local Offer

SEN Provision Type



The Bury Health Visiting Service includes a small team of two part-time Health Visitors who carry a smaller caseload to support the families of children with additional needs. Referrals for caseload cases are taken solely from the Bury Health Vising Service. The Health Visitor's also provide training, consultation and a 'step-on' referral process to support the care provision for children with additional needs within the wider service.

 The SEND HV Team will also be working closely with the Enhanced HV Team who can provide an 'enhanced' visiting schedule to families in need of additional support (referral to this team are open via Midwifery or the Health Visiting Service)

Age Bands

0-5 years

Core Response Approved?


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