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Bury Mutual Aid Group

Photograph taken by Maurice Clegg

Bury Mutual Aid Group

0 Reviews

The Bury Mutual Aid group is a volunteer run and led community group providing support to vulnerable people and those self-isolating as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic.

We are in need of volunteers who are able to help out their local communities and want to do something to help combat the current crisis. We are asking for help from everyone, regardless of experience, time, or ability as all help is important and gratefully recieved.

Do please get in touch if you can help out.

If you are in need of support through the current crisis, do please call out hotline on 07594 747 509 or email us at

We will do everything we can to help, and work in close partnership with local services. 

Contact Details


Abigail Wolfe

Job Title/Position

Area Co-ordinator

Telephone Number


Email Address

Service Information


Bury & Local Area

Last updated 24th November 2020

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