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Bury Nutrition & Hydration Programme

Photograph taken by John Openshaw

Bury Nutrition & Hydration Programme

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The Bury Nutrition and Hydration Programme focuses on delivering a community intervention for identifying and addressing malnutrition and dehydration in the older population.

The programme is based on the following principles:

  • Raising awareness
  • Identifying malnutrition
  • Working together
  • Personalised care, support and treatment
  • Monitoring and evaluating the intervention

Local organisations who routinely meet older people can access free training and resources.

From March 2022, training will be delivered by the Older People's Staying Well Team. It can be classroom based or virtual and demonstrates how to spot the signs and symptoms of malnutrition and dehydration and how to use a 'Food First' approach.

Contact Sam Caraher for further details:

Other training packages available:

Bury organisations can order hard copies of the resources via Carmel Berke

If you are experiencing any issues with your mouth or dentures you can visit the Oral Health promotion Team's page.

For information about social eating:

All information regarding the programme, including the independent evaluation and toolkit is available at:

For all other information regarding the programme contact Carmel Berke, Director:

Contact Details


Carmel Berke

Job Title/Position

Bury Nutrition and Hydration Programme

Telephone Number

0161 788 7300

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