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Children's Services at The Fed

Photograph taken by John Openshaw

Children's Services at The Fed

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Our wonderfully resourced Children's Centre runs a busy schedule, with groups specifically for children with special needs, and sessions open to the whole community. Our Community Advice and Support Team (CAST) provide care and support for individual children with special needs, at home or in the centre, giving vital hours of respite to parents and siblings  - and lots of fun for the child in our care!

Mums N' Tots

Our lovely Children’s Centre is home to The Fed’s popular Mums N’ Tots Group. This is held on Monday afternoons and Wednesday mornings and is open to the whole community. This is not limited to children with special needs. Come along with your 0 to 5 year old to meet other mums while the little ones have fun.

The sessions are run by The Fed staff who are assisted by volunteers. There are loads of different activities such as soft play, arts and crafts, dressing-up and healthy snacks for the children.

Who: Mums N' Tots is open to all children up to the age of five years old.

When: Monday, 1pm-3pm ; Wednesday, 10am-12pm

Where: The Children's Centre at Heathlands Village

Project Smile Play & Learn

Do you have a child with special needs aged 5 or above? You’ll be happy to hear about our Project Smile Play and Learn Service.

This offers children’s activities run by skilled, experienced Play Leaders, assisted by our trained support workers. These are held at our beautiful Children’s Centre at Heathlands Village, with a high ratio of staff to the children in our care.

Your child can come along and make friends while enjoying some stimulating and fun activities. You can be confident that he or she will receive the highest standard of care.

Our service is accessible to Jewish people across the religious spectrum. The activities are tailored to be sensitive to a strictly observant Jewish way of life and all food provided is strictly kosher.

Project Smile Play and Learn offers your child:

  • Twice weekly Play and Learn groups
  • School Holiday Play-Schemes
  • Children’s Respite Holidays – subject to available funding

If you would like your child to attend one or more of these activities we will first arrange to assess if he or she is eligible. If you live in Salford, there will be no charge for your child to come along.

If you live outside of Salford, our Community Advice and Support Team (CAST) can advise about applying to your local council for funding. Families can also privately pay for this service.

Who: For children with additional needs, up to around 12 years old.

When: Friday, 1pm-3.30pm; Sunday, 2pm-5pm

Where: The Children's Centre at Heathlands Village

Activity Days

The Fed runs activity days which are also open to the whole community – not just families with children who have special needs.

Subject to available funding, we also hold day trips with coach transport for local families who are on a low income.

Additionally, our Children’s Centre:

  • Can be hired out for your child’s birthday party
  • Can be used as a venue for parents who are not living with their children, for supervised contact visits or handover for contact.

Contact Details


Community Advice and Support Team (CAST)

Telephone Number

0161 772 4800 - option 2

Email Address


Service Information


Bury & Local Area

Links for information

Last updated 9th June 2021

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