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Children's Trust Lunchtime Learning Fact Sheets

Photograph taken by Maurice Clegg

Children's Trust Lunchtime Learning Fact Sheets

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If your work impacts on children and young people, Children’s Trust lunchtime learning sessions are for you.  These sessions aim to increase awareness and understanding of issues affecting children and young people so that we can provide earlier help and support to them.  

The sessions are free to attend with fact sheets  provided for each of the topics covered.

To book on to one of our lunchtime learning sessions or for further information, please see individual session page.

We also run briefing sessions about new and changing services, information sharing workshops and large networking events to inform, involve and consult with the wide workforce.

Contact Details


Jacqui Waite

Job Title/Position

Children's Trust Development Officer

Telephone Number

0161 253 7346


Service Information


Bury & Local Area

Last updated 12th November 2021

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