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Community Grants

Photograph taken by Phil Hill

Community Grants

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The Neighbourhood Engagement Team work closely with the residents of Bury with a focus on empowering local people and enabling them to shape decisions, services and support in their local area. Our Neighbourhood Engagement model covers all six townships of Bury and has a three tiered approach.

The first part of our approach involves borough wide digital engagement, using the Bury Directory, where you can access information on local services and activities and One Community, where residents can participate in questionnaires and surveys and share ideas and thoughts. Both of our digital offers are accessible 24hrs a day, 365 days a year.

The second part is township level engagement, which includes Neighbourhood Networking events and our innovative new grant funding model known as 'The Pitch’, which puts communities at the heart of decision making, by giving local people a say and enabling people to make the decisions about how grant funding is applied locally within their community.

Finally the third part is how we are engaging people at a ward or neighbourhood level, including our new actions groups, which bring local people, groups and organisations together to develop new idea and drive forward solutions to the issues that matter most to them. There are many action groups already established across Bury but you can work with us within your community and we would love to hear from residents who would like to get involved.

For more information or to start an action group contact the at or tel 0161 253 7455.

Our innovative new approaches to allocating local community grants are empowering locally derived initiatives and ideas and devolving decision making to our people.

This offers an asset based approach that recognises and builds on the strengths of our communities and the people living and working within them. This is achieved by using a place based approach that places individuals, families and communities at the heart of what we do.

We are enabling people in Bury to build independence, drive shared decision making and most importantly giving local people a voice, genuine opportunity for co-production and joint delivery of services. As part of the neighbourhood engagement framework, our grant funding allocation is an important way of ‘investing’ in projects delivered by local individuals, families and groups within their neighbourhood to make a difference in their local area.

The current Grant model includes a number of on-going grants and also one off type funding please see the link to the One Community page.

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Bury & Local Area

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Last updated 24th May 2021

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