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Corporate Parenting Bury Council/ NHS CCG

Photograph taken by John Openshaw

Corporate Parenting Bury Council/ NHS CCG

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Corporate Parenting Champions Programme

  • Did you know that as a Bury Council/ NHS CCG employee you are a Corporate Parent?
  • Are you interested in being an advocate for our children and young people in care?

We are all the corporate parents of the children and young people in the care of Bury Council and care leavers. These children look to their corporate parents and trust us to ensure they get the best support, guidance and opportunities possible. Becoming a Corporate Parenting Champion could help ensure that the aspirations and experiences of the children and young people in care and care leavers are improved and enhanced.

Are you interested in becoming a Corporate Parent Champion?

We are looking for all levels of staff, both across Bury Council and NHS CCG, to become a Corporate Parent Champion.

We need you to "champion" and raise awareness of corporate parenting, and why it is important to be a good corporate parent. We need you to be a voice for children and young people in care and care leavers within your work area, look for opportunities and experiences that could be offered, promote services to colleagues and spread the word to other corporate parents.

The role of Champion will not take up a great deal of time, agreement will be sought from your line manager and champions will be fully supported. An e-learning package will be provided to give basic information that you need and you will be offered a range of help and information along the way.

For more information contact Jacqui Waite at (ext. 7340) or visit the Intranet site

Have you ever considered fostering or being a Supported Lodgings provider or promoted these opportunities to people you know?

Foster with Bury, the council’s fostering team are currently recruiting more foster carers within Bury to help keep children in the local community. If you have a spare room, and interested in fostering please contact the team to find out how we support you financially, with training, and ongoing support.

If fostering isn’t for you – how about being a Supported Lodgings provider, this fits in with your day-to-day life by providing a young person aged 16-21 years old a temporary place to live. You need to provide them with a home environment to learn basic skills of cooking, laundry, how to budget, set up a bank account, apply for jobs etc.

The young people in Supported Lodgings are engaged in education, apprenticeships, or working. We support you with training and pay you an allowance of £200 a week.

If you are interested in Fostering or Supported Lodgings please contact the team for more information on 0161 253 6868 

Contact Details


Jacqui Waite

Telephone Number

0161 253 7340

Email Address

Service Information


Bury & Local Area

Last updated 19th April 2022

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